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Gynecology is a branch of medicine that deals in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth and in the analysis and therapeutics of diseases related to the female reproductive system. It also specializes in other women’s health factors such as menopause, hormone problems, contraception (birth control), and infertility. Both Obstetrics and Gynecology are medical specialties that focus on two different perspective of the female reproductive system. Obstetrics spotlights the care of the pregnant women, the unborn baby, labor, and delivery and following childbirth. Together, Gynecology focuses on all other aspects of a woman’s reproductive health from the onset of puberty through menopause and beyond.

The menstrual cycle is the monthly changes that take place in woman's body where it involves in the preparation for the possibility of pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is regulated by estrogen and progesterone hormones. Women have two ovaries with a bunch of eggs. On a menstrual cycle, hormones make the eggs mature and makes the lining of your uterus thick and spongy. During a menstrual cycle, hormones make an ovary to discharge a mature egg and this event is called as ovulation and eggs travels through fallopian tubes toward the uterus. The thick lining of the uterus is needed when there is pregnancy else lining breaks down, and the blood, nutrients, and other waste products flushes out via vagina.


Gynecology oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with the cancer of women reproductive organs. Where it includes ovarian canceruterine cancer, vaginal cancercervical cancervulvar cancer. Cancer is a disease where the abnormal cells in the body undergoes the division and grows uncontrollably. The treatment is active when cancer is found at an initial stage. The cancer may be acquired or inherited. If it is acquired, then it may be due to the environmental factors and also due to smoking etc. Most of the cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancer are caused by papillomavirus. The oncologist plays a vital role in understanding the causes and effects of the cancer and in providing the effective treatment to the disorders.

Pregnancy is the state where the female body carries the developing embryo or fetus. The pregnancy can be confirmed by the counter urine test, blood test, ultrasound, detection of fetal heartbeat, or an X-ray. Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch aims to improve the health of women before, during, and after pregnancy and to reduce the number of preterm births and other birth complications. It also focuses to increase an infant survival free from disease and disabilities and to ensure the long-term health of mothers and their children.


Pregnancy results when the egg gets fertilized by the sperm cells. Egg that is present inside the ovary are released by during a menstrual cycle due to the action of the hormones and the egg travels to the uterus. In uterus, the fertilized egg develops into a tiny human embryo on the half way of menstrual cycle. Unlikely the unfertilized egg will get unaltered and disintegrates. The embryo makes positioned itself in the uterine wall, and steadily grows, and develops into a fetus. About nine months the fetus will develop into a well developed baby and emerges into the world. On pregnancy, the hormone changes develops and persist throughout the pregnancy which is helpful for the growth of a healthy baby. Unlikely, it may also induce a side effects.

If women get fertile, sexually active, and become pregnant, the first symptom is the missing of a menstrual period. The hormonal changes during pregnancy will make the breasts sensitive and sore. The symptoms which also include the nausea with or without vomiting, Increased urination due to an increase in the amount of blood. Fatigue also results as a most common symptom of pregnancy. The flood of hormones in the body during pregnancy will make emotional and weepy. The most common signs are mood swings, Cramping, Constipation, Food aversions. Nasal congestion. It also accompanies with gestational diabetes and preeclampsia and eclampsia.

Family planning is a key factor for the parents to choose the number of children and the spacing between the child. Family planning also plays an important role in avoiding the abortion, reducing the infant mortality, preventing HIV/AIDS and it helps in reducing the population. Family planning can be done in several ways. Some methods are Combined oral contraceptives (COCs), Progestogen-only pills (POPs), Implants, Intrauterine device (IUD), Male sterilization (vasectomy), Female sterilization (tubal ligation) etc. An awareness about family planning must be created among uneducated people to overcome the various complications like adolescent pregnancy and various factors.

An essential part of the gynecologic examination is examining the breasts. Breast Cancer are more common in women and it is more often recognized by gynecologists than by other physicians, and so gynecologists must be trained in examining the breasts where it reveals the nature properties of the breast, Early changes in pregnancy prepare the breast for lactation. The estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and other hormones prepare the breast for milk production. Breast milk is prepared from the nutrients in mother's bloodstream. It is a balance of fat, sugar, water, and protein needed for child growth and development.

Gynecologic aesthetics are generally a modern field in gynecology which includes corrective and plastic medical procedures. Aesthetic Gynecology deals with the appearance, sensation, and other cosmetic issues in regard to the female reproductive system. Women may see changes in her body due to the time, age, gravity, genetics, childbirth and/or chronic pelvic issues. To reshape or reverse, the bodily changes Gynecology aesthetics plays a vital role. With advancements in science and technology, the medical industry had overcome the leaps and bounds and it is now possible to alter, correct and remove unwanted elements from the body with much more precision and safety.

Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology delivers the care on the uterus, ovaries, vagina and vulvaof young females. A young or adolescent girl varies from the woman's body where it is well developed and matured. So, the young and adolescent girls need a specialized care to the gynecologic problems. The Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology is the place where they offer their service for females from birth to age 16. They treat various conditions like Amenorrhea (when there is no menstrual cycle), Chronic vaginal discharge, Congenital anomalies of the reproductive tract, Heavy or abnormal menstrual bleeding, Hirsutism, Labial agglutination, Ovarian cysts, Vaginal infections, Vulvar problems.

Reproductive medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with prevention, analysis, and management of reproductive problems. Reproduction is an important biological process in all living systems where it gives rise to the next generation and is required for species survival. Reproductive medicine also concerns with the problems related to puberty, menopause, contraception, and various sexual problems. It also includes ovulation induction, analysis of infertility and finding the reason for recurrent pregnancy loss, and plays a vital role in assisted reproductive technologies such as embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization etc

Reproductive endocrinology deals with endocrine disorders related to the reproductive system in females and males. Nowadays Infertility had become a more common for a women under 35 years old. So, the endocrinologist plays a role in diagnosing and treating the various endocrine disorders, and they also have a special skill in infertility. OB/,GYN or medical endocrinologist ensures the right path to pregnancyPolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the reason that affect fertility and it may be associated with blood sugar problems. Reproductive endocrinologists also carry out various fertility tests and treatments, including intrauterine insemination (IUI), which is more commonly called artificial insemination

Miscarriage, also called as spontaneous abortion and loss of pregnancy, means it leads to natural death of an embryo or fetus. Spontaneous abortion is fetal death or passage of products of conception before 20 week of gestation. Threatened abortion is vaginal bleeding without cervical dilation occurring during pregnancy indicating that spontaneous abortions may occur in a woman. Diagnosis is by clinical criteria and ultrasonography. Safe sexual intercourses should be carried to avoid abortion. Threatened abortion is vaginal bleeding without the cervical dilation leads to Spontaneous abortions. Treatment and safety precautions should be taken to avoid abortion.

Reproductive genetics is a division of science that deals with the genetic involvement of a reproductive process, both natural and abetted. Now, it enlarges to include studying genetic and epigenetic modifications of genome and its effect on reproduction. Genetic factors are significantly responsible for infertility, abortion, miscarriage, malformation, and cancer. Reproductive genetics is becoming integral to today’s reproductive practice due to upsurge in the burden of reproductive disordersEpigenetics denote to covalent modifications of DNA and core histones that regulate gene activity without altering DNA sequences. Human disorders linked with epigenetic abnormality's comprises rare imprinting diseases, molar pregnancies, and childhood cancers. Germ cell development and early embryo development are serious times when epigenetic patterns are began or maintained.


Assisted reproductive technology is one of the medical procedure used to overcome the infertility. It is an attempt to make a woman pregnant by means besides sexual intercourse or artificial insemination, and includes in-vitro fertilization and gamete intrafallopian transfer. There are different types of assisted reproductive technology where it includes Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In-vitro fertilization (IVF), Luteinising hormone (LH) etc. This technology plays a vital role for infertility treatment for couples and women who cannot carry a baby in pregnancy or give birth without treatment and to reduce the chance of a child inheriting a genetic disease or abnormality.

gynecological disorder is a case which affects internal and external female reproductive organs, such as the organs in the abdominal and pelvic area including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva and it also includes breast. Some disorders are Vulvodynia, Vaginitis, Pelvic Floor Disorders, Pelvic Pain. Some problem can affect the normal functioning of the female reproductive systems, and it may also lead to infertility. So, the disorders should be diagnosed and treated effectively and properly.

Sexually transmitted diseases spread through sexual intercourses. Where it includes the HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis etc. STD is serious diseases where it needs very much effective treatment, some of the diseases such as HIV are not curable and it can be deadly. STD can be spread from mother to children during breastfeeding, the use of unsterilized needles, blood transfusion etc. The various researches have been happening for the proper diagnosis and treatment of STD.

Due to the huge advancement in the science and technology, the standard of the gynecology treatment had been reached next level. Obstetric patients with elevated blood pressure can be treated via telemedicine, where there is no need of hospitalization. “ANGLEeYe” Camera Systems LLC and AirToco LLC are the device invented for the movement detection that can be placed on patients to assess maternal activity level. Some of the latest advancement includes: Bluetooth pregnancy test, 3D printing shows a promise at creating prosthetic ovary Smartphone app can detect premature birth risk', New drug found to eradicate Hepatitis C, Smartphone app could diagnose HIV in 15 minutes and ect

Nowadays women health had become a major concern because where it also has an impact on family health. Both men and women have a same health challenge, but the women health deserves a more attention. The women are mostly wide open to breast cancers, adolescent pregnancy, and unsafe abortion and STD many more. So, to acquire the health equity throughout the life expectancy, it is an instant that every woman should have the knowledge of information related not only to her reproductive health but to all perspective of her body.